Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you

Published On: 5 February 2024By

Have you ever heard of a yurt? It might sound exotic, but yurts have been around for centuries, capturing the imagination and adventurous spirit of people all over the world.

Picture this: a circular dwelling made from a clever assembly of wood or bamboo, wrapped up in cozy skins or felt. That’s a yurt for you – simple in its elegance and brilliant in design.

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you
Beautiful Luxury Yurt in Somers, Montana

The Nomadic Origins of Yurts

Originating from the nomadic tribes of Central Asia, these portable tents were not just homes, but symbols of flexibility and resilience. They could be packed up and moved to new pastures whenever needed, making them crucial to the survival and culture of nomadic people. Imagine being able to dismantle your house and carry it with you; that’s what life in a yurt is all about!

From Steppes to Modern Times

In our modern times, yurts have traveled far beyond their traditional steppes. They’ve found new roles in North America and Europe, becoming beloved for camping trips, unique living spaces, and even as chic glamping accommodations.

Their round shape isn’t just visually appealing – it’s incredibly functional too. The circular design means heat circulates effectively, keeping the space warm in winter and cool in summer. Plus, they stand strong against winds from any direction.

Embracing Eco-Friendly Living

What’s more exciting? Yurts are riding the wave of eco-friendly living. With their sustainable materials and energy-efficient potential, they’re perfect for those looking to live in harmony with nature without leaving a heavy footprint.

Join us as we embark on an adventure into the world of yurts – from their rich history to their modern-day allure. Whether you’re curious about embracing a simpler lifestyle or just looking for your next vacation idea, there’s something fascinating about these timeless structures waiting to be discovered.

What is a Yurt? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Yurts

A yurt is not just a structure; it’s a bridge between the past and present, connecting modern-day enthusiasts with ancient traditions. The yurt definition spans across centuries and continents, encapsulating a way of life rooted in simplicity and connection to the natural world.

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you
The Traditional Yurt

Cultural Significance of Yurts

Yurts have long been synonymous with the nomadic lifestyle, particularly among the pastoral communities of Central Asia. These distinctive dwellings are steeped in cultural importance, symbolizing:

  • Mobility: Designed for frequent moves across vast steppes.
  • Community: A shared space for family gatherings and social events.
  • Resilience: A sturdy shelter against harsh weather conditions.

The circular shape of the yurt is also significant, often seen as a representation of the universe in Mongolian cosmology—sky above, Earth below, and all life in unity within its walls.

Evolution Across Regions and Cultures

The journey of the yurt from its origins to today’s diverse applications showcases humanity’s ingenuity. Here’s how yurts have evolved:

Central Asia

Historically, Central Asian nomads crafted yurts using materials readily available in their environment. Wool felt insulated these structures, while wooden frames gave them their characteristic round shape.


In Mongolia, yurts—or gers as they’re locally known—are still a central part of life. They have undergone slight modifications over time but remain true to their original form.

Global Adaptation

As people around the world discovered the practicality of yurts, they began tailoring them to various climates and needs:

  • Europe & North America: Modern yurts feature advanced materials like weather-resistant fabrics and high-performance insulation.
  • Eco-tourism: Yurts are now popular in eco-friendly resorts for their minimal environmental footprint.
  • Permanent Housing: Some choose yurts as a lifestyle statement, embracing their simplicity for full-time living.

Charming Luxury Yurt Constructed by Zach and Nicole

This global tapestry of yurt history reflects an enduring legacy that continues to charm and inspire. As we delve deeper into other aspects of yurt living in subsequent sections, it becomes clear that this ancient home has much to teach us about harmonious living with nature and each other.

The Historical and Cultural Significance of Yurts

Yurts have a deep connection to Mongolian culture and history, representing more than just a place to live; they are an embodiment of the nation’s nomadic past. Known as gers in Mongolian, these traditional yurts have been an integral part of the lives of Central Asian nomads for many generations. Designed to withstand extreme weather conditions while being easily portable, they served as both homes and strongholds.

The Role of Yurts in Mongolian Culture and History

Yurts played several important roles in the lives of Mongolian nomads:

  1. Central to Nomadic Life: Yurts were perfectly suited for the mobile lifestyle of the Mongols, who relied on herding animals and constantly moved to find fresh grazing areas.
  2. Adaptability: With their round shape, lattice framework, and felt coverings, yurts offered excellent protection against strong winds and could be set up in various terrains.
  3. Cultural Hub: Beyond being mere living spaces, yurts served as gathering places where families came together, traditions were passed on, and crucial decisions were made.

Influence of Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Empire on Yurt Development

Although not directly involved in yurt innovation, Genghis Khan had a significant impact on their evolution due to his conquests:

  • Military Efficiency: The portability of yurts played a vital role in the maneuverability of his army, allowing them to quickly traverse vast landscapes.
  • Cultural Exchange: As the Mongolian Empire expanded, there was an exchange of ideas with conquered civilizations, leading to improvements in yurt construction techniques influenced by different cultures.

Contributions of William Coperthwaite in Popularizing Yurts in North America

In more recent times, William Coperthwaite played a crucial role in introducing and adapting yurts for North American living. He drew inspiration from:

  • Mongolian Design Principles: Embracing the simplicity and communal aspects of yurt life.
  • Sustainable Living: Recognizing the potential of using local resources to build yurts, promoting self-sufficiency.
  • Educational Workshops: Through hands-on workshops and his book “A Handmade Life,” Coperthwaite helped spread knowledge about yurt construction and its philosophical foundations.

By combining traditional designs with contemporary materials and requirements, he sparked a renewed interest in these structures beyond their practical origins. This led to a growing movement that saw yurts popping up across North America as alternative living spaces, embodying a desire for simpler lifestyles closer to nature.

The historical depth and cultural significance of yurts demonstrate their journey from ancient dwellings of Central Asian nomads to symbols of sustainable living worldwide. The legacies left by individuals like Genghis Khan and William Coperthwaite continue to inspire those who seek harmony with nature through these timeless abodes.

Why do Mongolians live in yurts?

In the vast steppes of Mongolia, where the sky arches high and the land stretches to the horizon, a distinct and resilient type of dwelling dots the landscape: the yurt. Known locally as “ger,” which translates to “home” in Mongolian, these structures are not only homes but also a testament to a way of life that has endured for centuries. The reasons why Mongolians continue to live in yurts are deeply rooted in their nomadic culture, environmental adaptability, and social traditions.

Adaptability to Nomadic Lifestyle

Ease of Movement

Mongolian nomads move several times a year in pursuit of fresh pastures for their livestock. Yurts can be quickly dismantled and reassembled, making them perfect for this transitory way of life.

Lightweight Construction

The materials used in yurt construction are both lightweight and durable. Wood, felt, and canvas can be carried on camels or vehicles to new locations without much hassle.

Harmony with Nature

Climate Resilience

Mongolia experiences extreme temperatures, with harsh winters and hot summers. The circular shape of the yurt and its insulating materials keep it warm in winter and cool in summer.

Sustainable Materials

Natural materials like wool felt for insulation and wood or bamboo for structure minimize environmental impact.

Cultural Identity


The yurt is a symbol of the Mongolian family’s unity and strength. Its round shape signifies the completeness of life.

Heritage Preservation

Living in yurts helps maintain traditional craftsmanship skills passed down through generations.

Social Structure

Community Building

The yurt’s open interior encourages family interaction and hospitality—a central aspect of Mongolian culture.

Flexibility for Social Events

Yurts can be connected or expanded to accommodate large gatherings during festivals or community events.

Mongolians’ affinity for their yurts goes beyond practicality; it’s intertwined with their identity. It represents resilience, community values, and respect for nature—principles that are as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago when these structures were first conceived on the Central Asian plains.

While urbanization has drawn some Mongolians to cities, many still choose the yurt as their abode, balancing tradition with modern conveniences. Innovations have been introduced such as solar panels for electricity or improved insulation techniques; however, these enhancements serve to complement rather than replace the intrinsic qualities that make a yurt suitable for Mongolian life.

As we delve deeper into what it means to live harmoniously within a changing world, examining how Mongolians utilize yurts provides valuable insights into sustainable living practices that have stood the test of time.

Living in a Yurt: Embracing Simplicity and Freedom

Living in a yurt embraces a lifestyle that’s both simple and liberating. This nomadic way of life, deeply rooted in history and tradition, offers numerous benefits. Yet, it also presents its own unique set of challenges.

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you
Eco-friendly yurt interior

Benefits of Yurt Living

1. Simplicity

A yurt is the epitome of minimalistic living. It encourages you to declutter your life and focus on the essentials.

2. Affordability

Compared to conventional homes, yurts are much less expensive, making them an excellent option for those seeking financial freedom.

3. Connection with Nature

Living in a yurt allows for an intimate connection with the natural world. The circular design provides panoramic views of your surroundings.

4. Sustainability

Yurts are eco-friendly dwellings. They leave a minimal footprint on the environment due to their use of sustainable materials and energy-efficient design.

5. Mobility

Just as they served nomadic tribes centuries ago, modern yurts provide an opportunity for mobile living – allowing you to set up home wherever you desire.

Challenges of Yurt Living

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you

1. Limited Space

With their open floor plans, yurts offer less privacy than standard houses. Storing belongings can also be a challenge due to limited space.

2. Climate Control

While the round shape aids in temperature regulation, extreme weather conditions can present challenges. Proper insulation is essential for comfortable living.

3. Maintenance

Regular maintenance tasks like re-waterproofing the canvas or adjusting tension cables are part of yurt living.

Now that we’ve looked at both sides of the coin, let’s discuss how to make your yurt dwelling as comfortable as possible.

Tips for Comfortable Yurt Living

  • Maximize Space: Use multi-purpose furniture and creative storage solutions to make the most out of your limited space. For instance, opt for a bed with built-in storage or install shelves on the walls.
  • Insulate Properly: Use insulation materials suited to your local climate. Wool felt insulation is a popular choice due to its excellent thermal properties.
  • Personalize Your Yurt: Make your yurt feel like home by adding personal touches. Rugs, curtains, and artwork can transform the interior into a cozy living space.
  • Plan for Utilities: Consider how you’ll handle utilities like water, electricity, and internet. Off-grid solutions like solar panels and composting toilets are common among yurt dwellers.
Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you

As you consider the nomadic lifestyle of living in a yurt, remember it’s about embracing simplicity and freedom. It’s an opportunity to connect more deeply with nature while minimizing your environmental impact. And with some careful planning and creativity, it can be a comfortable and rewarding way of life.

The Cost Factor: How Much Does a Yurt Actually Cost?

When it comes to the cost of owning a yurt, there are several factors to consider. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you get the best value for your money.

How much does a yurt cost?
Photo Courtesy Of Outforia

Factors that Affect the Cost of a Yurt

The price of a yurt can vary based on the following factors:

1. Size

  • Larger yurts require more materials and are usually more expensive than smaller ones.

2. Materials

  • The type of materials used for the frame, cover, and insulation will affect the price.
  • Traditional materials like felt and modern alternatives such as vinyl have different costs.

3. Complexity of Design

  • Custom designs or intricate patterns on the canvas can increase the price.

4. Additional Features

  • Features such as high-quality windows, doors, and integrated plumbing or electrical systems will add to the overall cost.

5. Brand

  • Prices can vary between manufacturers based on brand reputation, quality, and service.

6. Location

  • Shipping costs and the availability of local materials or builders can influence the final price tag.

How Much Does a Yurt Typically Cost?

A basic yurt kit for a small to medium size may start at around $5,000 to $10,000, while larger or custom-designed luxury yurts can exceed $20,000 to $30,000.

Yurt cost
Photo Courtesy of Yurts.com

Source where to buy:

What a Perfect Yurt to Buy?

The search for a perfect yurt can feel like an overwhelming task, given the array of choices. However, by considering a few key factors such as your needs, budget, and preferred style, you can make the process more manageable.

1. Identify Your Needs

Think about what you want from your yurt. Do you plan to use it as a full-time home, a vacation getaway, or a cozy retreat for family gatherings? The purpose will determine the size and amenities in your yurt. For instance, if it’s meant for regular living, you may prefer a larger yurt with kitchen and bathroom facilities.

2. Set a Budget

Your financial plan is vital in this journey. Yurts can range from $5,000 to over $20,000 depending on their size, materials used, and added features. Establishing a budget beforehand helps narrow down the options.

3. Choose the Right Size

Size matters when it comes to yurts. They typically range from 12 feet to 30 feet in diameter. A smaller yurt may be sufficient for weekend getaways or single-person dwellings but if you’re planning to live with your family or host large gatherings, opt for a larger size.

4. Decide on the Style

While all yurts maintain the basic circular design, there are variations in style based on cultural influences and personal preferences. You may choose between Mongolian-style yurts with colorful patterns and more subdued modern styles with neutral tones.

5. Consider Durability and Weather Resistance

A quality yurt should withstand various weather conditions and last for years. Look for features like waterproof covers, sturdy frames, and high-quality insulation.

6. Evaluate Yurt Manufacturers

Take time to research different manufacturers before making your decision. Compare their prices, customer reviews, and warranties offered. Brands like Pacific Yurts, Colorado Yurt Company or Rainier Outdoor are known for their quality products and customer service.

7. Check for Customization Options

Many manufacturers offer customization options, allowing you to add windows, extra doors, or different types of flooring. This allows you to create a yurt that perfectly fits your style and needs.

8. Think About Setup and Maintenance

A yurt should be easy to assemble, disassemble, and maintain. Some companies offer assembly services, which could be a deciding factor if you’re not particularly handy.

Tips for Finding a High-Quality Yurt at a Good Price

To ensure that you’re getting both quality and value when purchasing a yurt, here are some tips:

  1. Research Reputable Manufacturers: Look for companies with positive reviews and testimonials. Consider their experience and history in making yurts.
  2. Compare Prices: Get quotes from multiple suppliers to compare prices. Check what’s included in each quote to ensure you’re comparing like-for-like.
  3. Consider Longevity versus Cost: Sometimes investing more upfront can mean lower maintenance costs down the line. High-quality materials might be more costly but could extend your yurt’s lifespan.
  4. Look Out for Hidden Costs: Understand what is included in the kit; sometimes essential parts are sold separately. Factor in potential costs for assembly if you’re not building it yourself.
  5. Seasonal Discounts: Some manufacturers offer discounts during off-peak times; keep an eye out for deals.
  6. Second-hand Options: Explore pre-owned yurts which can be significantly cheaper than new ones. Inspect carefully for wear and tear to avoid future expenses.

By considering these factors and tips, you’ll be able to find a yurt that fits your budget without compromising on quality.

The Structure, Design, and Types of Yurts Explained

A yurt is an architectural marvel that combines simplicity, functionality, and adaptability. Its structure includes a circular wooden frame, lattice walls, and a covering of wool felt or fabric. The understanding of the yurt structure and design will provide valuable insights into its versatility and resilience.

Components of a Traditional Yurt

  • Wooden Frame: A typical yurt has a collapsible wooden framework that provides structural support. This lattice-structured framework is crafted to allow flexibility and strength.
  • Wool Felt or Fabric Covering: The outer covering of a yurt can be made from wool felt or fabric. This layer acts as insulation against heat, cold, and rain.
  • Circular Doorway: The entrance to a yurt is traditionally a wooden door set within the lattice framework. This doorway is often low, requiring one to stoop when entering—a ritual seen as showing respect for the home.
  • Central Crown or Tono: At the top of the yurt lies the tono (crown), an essential part of the structure that serves as both ventilation and light source.

Materials Used in Yurt Construction

  • Wood: Traditionally, yurts are built using locally sourced wood for the frame. Bentwood is often used due to its flexibility.
  • Wool Felt: In colder regions like Mongolia, wool felt is preferred for its excellent insulating properties.
  • Fabric: In more modern designs, especially in milder climates, durable fabrics such as canvas are used for their waterproof qualities.

Different Styles and Designs of Yurts

While traditional yurts maintain similar designs across different cultures, modern interpretations have led to a variety of styles:

  1. Bentwood Yurts: These yurts feature a frame made from bentwood, which allows for larger structures. They are common in places like Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
  2. Fabric Yurts: Modern yurts often feature a fabric shell instead of traditional felt. These are popular in North America and Europe due to their lighter weight and portability.
  3. Insulated Yurts: These yurts are designed with added insulation for colder climates, often using an inner layer of reflective material.
  4. Customized Yurts: Some yurt manufacturers offer customizations, including multiple rooms, windows, or different shapes and sizes.

In essence, the yurt’s design is a reflection of the nomadic lifestyle it originated from—simple, adaptable, and in harmony with nature. Yet it has also evolved, catering to various uses, climates, and personal preferences. The next time you step into a yurt—be it traditional or modern—you’ll have a deeper appreciation for its structure and design.

Yurts for Camping, Glamping, and Beyond: Experiencing Nature in Style

Yurts have become increasingly popular among campers and glampers alike, providing a unique way to immerse oneself in nature while still enjoying modern comforts. These circular structures not only have a magical appeal but also offer practicality as an alternative to more typical camping accommodations.

Yurts for camping have gained traction due to their flexibility and allure. They serve as a middle ground between traditional tent camping and upscale cabins or hotels. Many outdoor enthusiasts who desire an experience that stays true to camping roots but with added amenities are turning to yurts.

Here’s why yurt camping has become so popular:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Yurts’ unique circular shape and cozy interiors create a visually pleasing atmosphere that complements the natural environment.
  • Ready-Made Comfort: Unlike tents, yurts often come furnished with beds, furniture, and sometimes heating, minimizing setup time and maximizing relaxation.
  • Weather Resilience: The sturdy construction of yurts makes them well-suited to withstand various weather conditions, from heavy rain to snowfall.

Advantages of Choosing a Yurt Over Traditional Tents or Cabins

While tents cater to purists who enjoy the simplicity of camping equipment, and cabins provide a sense of solidity and permanence, yurts strike a balance that combines the best features of both options. Here are some benefits of selecting a yurt:

  • Spacious Interiors: The circular design eliminates wasted corner space, resulting in more roomy interiors that feel open and airy.
  • Quick Set-Up: Many campgrounds offer pre-set yurts ready for occupancy, reducing the time spent assembling tents or unpacking gear.
  • Close to Nature: With features like skylights and lattice walls, staying in a yurt allows you to observe your natural surroundings while still having a protected shelter.
  • Energy Efficiency: The shape of a yurt promotes better air circulation, which can naturally regulate temperatures inside without excessive energy use.

The glamping community, known for their love of glamorous camping experiences, particularly appreciates the luxury that yurts can provide. Enhanced by stylish decor and additional amenities such as private decks or hot tubs, these structures transform into extravagant hideaways nestled in picturesque locations.

Comfortable Bedding: No more sleeping bags on the hard ground; many glamping yurts feature real beds with plush mattresses. Exclusive Amenities: From en-suite bathrooms to kitchenettes, glamping yurts can include conveniences that make them comparable to boutique hotel rooms.

Whether you’re seeking a serene weekend getaway or an action-packed outdoor adventure, considering yurts for camping or glamping presents an exceptional opportunity to enjoy nature with added comfort and style. As you plan your next excursion into the great outdoors or luxurious escape, remember that the humble yet majestic yurt stands ready as an inviting option amidst nature’s splendor.

Top Yurt Manufacturers to Consider for Your Dream Yurt

When it comes to finding the perfect yurt, it’s essential to consider the manufacturer. Not all yurts are built the same, and the quality can vary significantly between different producers. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at some of the best yurt manufacturers in the market today.

1. Pacific Yurts

Based in Oregon, Pacific Yurts is one of the pioneers in the modern yurt industry. They offer a wide range of sizes and customizable options. Their yurts feature high-quality materials and innovative design elements like energy-efficient insulation and durable flooring. On average, their yurt prices range from $5,000 to $15,000.

2. Colorado Yurt Company

This company is known for its sustainable business practices and attention to detail. Each Colorado Yurt is handcrafted using locally sourced materials whenever possible. Prices start at around $6,000 for smaller models and go up to about $20,000 for larger designs.

3. Rainier Outdoor

Rainier Outdoor prides itself on its commitment to quality and tradition. Their yurts are handcrafted using the finest materials available, which includes sustainably harvested timber and premium fabrics. Pricing starts at around $7,500 for their smallest model.

4. Smiling Woods Yurts

If you’re looking for a yurt with a more rustic charm, Smiling Woods Yurts might be your best bet. They specialize in custom-built wooden yurts that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern conveniences. Prices vary depending on size and customization but expect to pay anywhere from $10,000 upwards.

5. Freedom Yurt Cabins

As the name suggests, Freedom Yurt Cabins offers a unique twist on traditional yurts by incorporating cabin-like features into their designs. Their products are fully insulated and include a lockable front door and real glass windows. Prices start around $16,000.

When choosing a manufacturer, remember that the cost of a yurt is just one factor to consider. You also need to think about the quality of the materials used, the yurt’s design, the level of customization available, and of course, the reputation of the manufacturer itself.

Each manufacturer offers something unique, so it’s worth taking the time to review their offerings and decide which one aligns best with your dream yurt vision. And don’t forget to factor in any additional costs like shipping, installation, or customizations when comparing prices.

Yurts as Sustainable Dwellings: The Eco-Friendly Advantages

Yurts have long captivated the imagination with their unique design and cultural heritage. But beyond their aesthetic appeal, yurts are gaining recognition as eco-friendly housing options. These circular dwellings are not only cozy and inviting, but they also offer a lower ecological footprint compared to traditional homes.

Promoting Eco-Friendly Living

Yurts inherently encourage a sustainable lifestyle through several aspects:

Everything About Yurt
  1. Smaller Living Space: With their compact, efficient design, yurts require less energy to heat and cool. Occupants often adopt a minimalist approach to living, reducing the consumption of resources and unnecessary waste.
  2. Natural Materials: Traditional yurts are constructed using organic materials like wood, wool felt, and canvas. These materials are renewable and have a smaller environmental impact compared to the processed materials used in conventional home construction.
  3. Low-Impact Footprint: The lightweight structure of a yurt means that it can be placed on the landscape without the need for extensive foundations. This minimizes disruption to the natural environment and preserves the ecosystem around the dwelling.

Innovations in Insulation and Energy Efficiency

Builders and manufacturers have introduced innovations that enhance the sustainability of yurts even further:

  1. High-Tech Fabrics: Modern yurts can be covered with advanced fabrics designed for superior insulation. These materials keep heat in during winter and reflect sunlight in summer, maintaining comfortable temperatures year-round.
  2. Radiant Barriers: Reflective barriers can be installed to reduce heat transfer, helping to keep the interior of a yurt warm in cold climates and cool in hot ones.
  3. Solar Power Integration: Some yurt dwellers choose to install solar panels on or near their yurts, harnessing clean energy from the sun to provide electricity without relying on fossil fuels.
  4. Efficient Stoves and Appliances: Wood stoves certified for low emissions can provide heat more sustainably. Similarly, energy-efficient appliances reduce overall power consumption.
Everything About Yurt

By combining ancient design principles with modern technology, yurts stand out as models of sustainable insulation for dwellings. They prove that living in harmony with nature does not have to mean sacrificing comfort or style.

It’s clear that yurts as eco-friendly housing offer a path towards less invasive and more sustainable living. Their adaptability to various environments coupled with recent advancements makes them an increasingly popular choice for those seeking an alternative housing solution.

The transition towards more eco-conscious living continues with innovative approaches not only in how we build our homes but also in how we interact with our environment on a daily basis.

When planning your next escape, consider these exceptional yurt locations for an unforgettable experience. A yurt getaway not only provides comfort and convenience but also a unique opportunity to connect with nature in a whole new way.

As with any major purchase, it’s important to take your time when choosing a yurt. Don’t rush the process. Instead, weigh all the factors and consider all the options before making a final decision. Remember, a yurt is more than just a dwelling – it’s a lifestyle choice that brings simplicity, freedom, and a closer connection to nature. Choose wisely and enjoy your new way of life.

Have you ever heard of a yurt? It might sound exotic, but yurts have been around for centuries, capturing the imagination and adventurous spirit of people all over the world.

Picture this: a circular dwelling made from a clever assembly of wood or bamboo, wrapped up in cozy skins or felt. That’s a yurt for you – simple in its elegance and brilliant in design.

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you
Beautiful Luxury Yurt in Somers, Montana

The Nomadic Origins of Yurts

Originating from the nomadic tribes of Central Asia, these portable tents were not just homes, but symbols of flexibility and resilience. They could be packed up and moved to new pastures whenever needed, making them crucial to the survival and culture of nomadic people. Imagine being able to dismantle your house and carry it with you; that’s what life in a yurt is all about!

From Steppes to Modern Times

In our modern times, yurts have traveled far beyond their traditional steppes. They’ve found new roles in North America and Europe, becoming beloved for camping trips, unique living spaces, and even as chic glamping accommodations.

Their round shape isn’t just visually appealing – it’s incredibly functional too. The circular design means heat circulates effectively, keeping the space warm in winter and cool in summer. Plus, they stand strong against winds from any direction.

Embracing Eco-Friendly Living

What’s more exciting? Yurts are riding the wave of eco-friendly living. With their sustainable materials and energy-efficient potential, they’re perfect for those looking to live in harmony with nature without leaving a heavy footprint.

Join us as we embark on an adventure into the world of yurts – from their rich history to their modern-day allure. Whether you’re curious about embracing a simpler lifestyle or just looking for your next vacation idea, there’s something fascinating about these timeless structures waiting to be discovered.

What is a Yurt? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Yurts

A yurt is not just a structure; it’s a bridge between the past and present, connecting modern-day enthusiasts with ancient traditions. The yurt definition spans across centuries and continents, encapsulating a way of life rooted in simplicity and connection to the natural world.

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you
The Traditional Yurt

Cultural Significance of Yurts

Yurts have long been synonymous with the nomadic lifestyle, particularly among the pastoral communities of Central Asia. These distinctive dwellings are steeped in cultural importance, symbolizing:

  • Mobility: Designed for frequent moves across vast steppes.
  • Community: A shared space for family gatherings and social events.
  • Resilience: A sturdy shelter against harsh weather conditions.

The circular shape of the yurt is also significant, often seen as a representation of the universe in Mongolian cosmology—sky above, Earth below, and all life in unity within its walls.

Evolution Across Regions and Cultures

The journey of the yurt from its origins to today’s diverse applications showcases humanity’s ingenuity. Here’s how yurts have evolved:

Central Asia

Historically, Central Asian nomads crafted yurts using materials readily available in their environment. Wool felt insulated these structures, while wooden frames gave them their characteristic round shape.


In Mongolia, yurts—or gers as they’re locally known—are still a central part of life. They have undergone slight modifications over time but remain true to their original form.

Global Adaptation

As people around the world discovered the practicality of yurts, they began tailoring them to various climates and needs:

  • Europe & North America: Modern yurts feature advanced materials like weather-resistant fabrics and high-performance insulation.
  • Eco-tourism: Yurts are now popular in eco-friendly resorts for their minimal environmental footprint.
  • Permanent Housing: Some choose yurts as a lifestyle statement, embracing their simplicity for full-time living.

Charming Luxury Yurt Constructed by Zach and Nicole

This global tapestry of yurt history reflects an enduring legacy that continues to charm and inspire. As we delve deeper into other aspects of yurt living in subsequent sections, it becomes clear that this ancient home has much to teach us about harmonious living with nature and each other.

The Historical and Cultural Significance of Yurts

Yurts have a deep connection to Mongolian culture and history, representing more than just a place to live; they are an embodiment of the nation’s nomadic past. Known as gers in Mongolian, these traditional yurts have been an integral part of the lives of Central Asian nomads for many generations. Designed to withstand extreme weather conditions while being easily portable, they served as both homes and strongholds.

The Role of Yurts in Mongolian Culture and History

Yurts played several important roles in the lives of Mongolian nomads:

  1. Central to Nomadic Life: Yurts were perfectly suited for the mobile lifestyle of the Mongols, who relied on herding animals and constantly moved to find fresh grazing areas.
  2. Adaptability: With their round shape, lattice framework, and felt coverings, yurts offered excellent protection against strong winds and could be set up in various terrains.
  3. Cultural Hub: Beyond being mere living spaces, yurts served as gathering places where families came together, traditions were passed on, and crucial decisions were made.

Influence of Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Empire on Yurt Development

Although not directly involved in yurt innovation, Genghis Khan had a significant impact on their evolution due to his conquests:

  • Military Efficiency: The portability of yurts played a vital role in the maneuverability of his army, allowing them to quickly traverse vast landscapes.
  • Cultural Exchange: As the Mongolian Empire expanded, there was an exchange of ideas with conquered civilizations, leading to improvements in yurt construction techniques influenced by different cultures.

Contributions of William Coperthwaite in Popularizing Yurts in North America

In more recent times, William Coperthwaite played a crucial role in introducing and adapting yurts for North American living. He drew inspiration from:

  • Mongolian Design Principles: Embracing the simplicity and communal aspects of yurt life.
  • Sustainable Living: Recognizing the potential of using local resources to build yurts, promoting self-sufficiency.
  • Educational Workshops: Through hands-on workshops and his book “A Handmade Life,” Coperthwaite helped spread knowledge about yurt construction and its philosophical foundations.

By combining traditional designs with contemporary materials and requirements, he sparked a renewed interest in these structures beyond their practical origins. This led to a growing movement that saw yurts popping up across North America as alternative living spaces, embodying a desire for simpler lifestyles closer to nature.

The historical depth and cultural significance of yurts demonstrate their journey from ancient dwellings of Central Asian nomads to symbols of sustainable living worldwide. The legacies left by individuals like Genghis Khan and William Coperthwaite continue to inspire those who seek harmony with nature through these timeless abodes.

Why do Mongolians live in yurts?

In the vast steppes of Mongolia, where the sky arches high and the land stretches to the horizon, a distinct and resilient type of dwelling dots the landscape: the yurt. Known locally as “ger,” which translates to “home” in Mongolian, these structures are not only homes but also a testament to a way of life that has endured for centuries. The reasons why Mongolians continue to live in yurts are deeply rooted in their nomadic culture, environmental adaptability, and social traditions.

Adaptability to Nomadic Lifestyle

Ease of Movement

Mongolian nomads move several times a year in pursuit of fresh pastures for their livestock. Yurts can be quickly dismantled and reassembled, making them perfect for this transitory way of life.

Lightweight Construction

The materials used in yurt construction are both lightweight and durable. Wood, felt, and canvas can be carried on camels or vehicles to new locations without much hassle.

Harmony with Nature

Climate Resilience

Mongolia experiences extreme temperatures, with harsh winters and hot summers. The circular shape of the yurt and its insulating materials keep it warm in winter and cool in summer.

Sustainable Materials

Natural materials like wool felt for insulation and wood or bamboo for structure minimize environmental impact.

Cultural Identity


The yurt is a symbol of the Mongolian family’s unity and strength. Its round shape signifies the completeness of life.

Heritage Preservation

Living in yurts helps maintain traditional craftsmanship skills passed down through generations.

Social Structure

Community Building

The yurt’s open interior encourages family interaction and hospitality—a central aspect of Mongolian culture.

Flexibility for Social Events

Yurts can be connected or expanded to accommodate large gatherings during festivals or community events.

Mongolians’ affinity for their yurts goes beyond practicality; it’s intertwined with their identity. It represents resilience, community values, and respect for nature—principles that are as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago when these structures were first conceived on the Central Asian plains.

While urbanization has drawn some Mongolians to cities, many still choose the yurt as their abode, balancing tradition with modern conveniences. Innovations have been introduced such as solar panels for electricity or improved insulation techniques; however, these enhancements serve to complement rather than replace the intrinsic qualities that make a yurt suitable for Mongolian life.

As we delve deeper into what it means to live harmoniously within a changing world, examining how Mongolians utilize yurts provides valuable insights into sustainable living practices that have stood the test of time.

Living in a Yurt: Embracing Simplicity and Freedom

Living in a yurt embraces a lifestyle that’s both simple and liberating. This nomadic way of life, deeply rooted in history and tradition, offers numerous benefits. Yet, it also presents its own unique set of challenges.

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you
Eco-friendly yurt interior

Benefits of Yurt Living

1. Simplicity

A yurt is the epitome of minimalistic living. It encourages you to declutter your life and focus on the essentials.

2. Affordability

Compared to conventional homes, yurts are much less expensive, making them an excellent option for those seeking financial freedom.

3. Connection with Nature

Living in a yurt allows for an intimate connection with the natural world. The circular design provides panoramic views of your surroundings.

4. Sustainability

Yurts are eco-friendly dwellings. They leave a minimal footprint on the environment due to their use of sustainable materials and energy-efficient design.

5. Mobility

Just as they served nomadic tribes centuries ago, modern yurts provide an opportunity for mobile living – allowing you to set up home wherever you desire.

Challenges of Yurt Living

Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you

1. Limited Space

With their open floor plans, yurts offer less privacy than standard houses. Storing belongings can also be a challenge due to limited space.

2. Climate Control

While the round shape aids in temperature regulation, extreme weather conditions can present challenges. Proper insulation is essential for comfortable living.

3. Maintenance

Regular maintenance tasks like re-waterproofing the canvas or adjusting tension cables are part of yurt living.

Now that we’ve looked at both sides of the coin, let’s discuss how to make your yurt dwelling as comfortable as possible.

Tips for Comfortable Yurt Living

  • Maximize Space: Use multi-purpose furniture and creative storage solutions to make the most out of your limited space. For instance, opt for a bed with built-in storage or install shelves on the walls.
  • Insulate Properly: Use insulation materials suited to your local climate. Wool felt insulation is a popular choice due to its excellent thermal properties.
  • Personalize Your Yurt: Make your yurt feel like home by adding personal touches. Rugs, curtains, and artwork can transform the interior into a cozy living space.
  • Plan for Utilities: Consider how you’ll handle utilities like water, electricity, and internet. Off-grid solutions like solar panels and composting toilets are common among yurt dwellers.
Everything you need to know about yurt: Getting the best ideas for you

As you consider the nomadic lifestyle of living in a yurt, remember it’s about embracing simplicity and freedom. It’s an opportunity to connect more deeply with nature while minimizing your environmental impact. And with some careful planning and creativity, it can be a comfortable and rewarding way of life.

The Cost Factor: How Much Does a Yurt Actually Cost?

When it comes to the cost of owning a yurt, there are several factors to consider. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you get the best value for your money.

How much does a yurt cost?
Photo Courtesy Of Outforia

Factors that Affect the Cost of a Yurt

The price of a yurt can vary based on the following factors:

1. Size

  • Larger yurts require more materials and are usually more expensive than smaller ones.

2. Materials

  • The type of materials used for the frame, cover, and insulation will affect the price.
  • Traditional materials like felt and modern alternatives such as vinyl have different costs.

3. Complexity of Design

  • Custom designs or intricate patterns on the canvas can increase the price.

4. Additional Features

  • Features such as high-quality windows, doors, and integrated plumbing or electrical systems will add to the overall cost.

5. Brand

  • Prices can vary between manufacturers based on brand reputation, quality, and service.

6. Location

  • Shipping costs and the availability of local materials or builders can influence the final price tag.

How Much Does a Yurt Typically Cost?

A basic yurt kit for a small to medium size may start at around $5,000 to $10,000, while larger or custom-designed luxury yurts can exceed $20,000 to $30,000.

Yurt cost
Photo Courtesy of Yurts.com

Source where to buy:

What a Perfect Yurt to Buy?

The search for a perfect yurt can feel like an overwhelming task, given the array of choices. However, by considering a few key factors such as your needs, budget, and preferred style, you can make the process more manageable.

1. Identify Your Needs

Think about what you want from your yurt. Do you plan to use it as a full-time home, a vacation getaway, or a cozy retreat for family gatherings? The purpose will determine the size and amenities in your yurt. For instance, if it’s meant for regular living, you may prefer a larger yurt with kitchen and bathroom facilities.

2. Set a Budget

Your financial plan is vital in this journey. Yurts can range from $5,000 to over $20,000 depending on their size, materials used, and added features. Establishing a budget beforehand helps narrow down the options.

3. Choose the Right Size

Size matters when it comes to yurts. They typically range from 12 feet to 30 feet in diameter. A smaller yurt may be sufficient for weekend getaways or single-person dwellings but if you’re planning to live with your family or host large gatherings, opt for a larger size.

4. Decide on the Style

While all yurts maintain the basic circular design, there are variations in style based on cultural influences and personal preferences. You may choose between Mongolian-style yurts with colorful patterns and more subdued modern styles with neutral tones.

5. Consider Durability and Weather Resistance

A quality yurt should withstand various weather conditions and last for years. Look for features like waterproof covers, sturdy frames, and high-quality insulation.

6. Evaluate Yurt Manufacturers

Take time to research different manufacturers before making your decision. Compare their prices, customer reviews, and warranties offered. Brands like Pacific Yurts, Colorado Yurt Company or Rainier Outdoor are known for their quality products and customer service.

7. Check for Customization Options

Many manufacturers offer customization options, allowing you to add windows, extra doors, or different types of flooring. This allows you to create a yurt that perfectly fits your style and needs.

8. Think About Setup and Maintenance

A yurt should be easy to assemble, disassemble, and maintain. Some companies offer assembly services, which could be a deciding factor if you’re not particularly handy.

Tips for Finding a High-Quality Yurt at a Good Price

To ensure that you’re getting both quality and value when purchasing a yurt, here are some tips:

  1. Research Reputable Manufacturers: Look for companies with positive reviews and testimonials. Consider their experience and history in making yurts.
  2. Compare Prices: Get quotes from multiple suppliers to compare prices. Check what’s included in each quote to ensure you’re comparing like-for-like.
  3. Consider Longevity versus Cost: Sometimes investing more upfront can mean lower maintenance costs down the line. High-quality materials might be more costly but could extend your yurt’s lifespan.
  4. Look Out for Hidden Costs: Understand what is included in the kit; sometimes essential parts are sold separately. Factor in potential costs for assembly if you’re not building it yourself.
  5. Seasonal Discounts: Some manufacturers offer discounts during off-peak times; keep an eye out for deals.
  6. Second-hand Options: Explore pre-owned yurts which can be significantly cheaper than new ones. Inspect carefully for wear and tear to avoid future expenses.

By considering these factors and tips, you’ll be able to find a yurt that fits your budget without compromising on quality.

The Structure, Design, and Types of Yurts Explained

A yurt is an architectural marvel that combines simplicity, functionality, and adaptability. Its structure includes a circular wooden frame, lattice walls, and a covering of wool felt or fabric. The understanding of the yurt structure and design will provide valuable insights into its versatility and resilience.

Components of a Traditional Yurt

  • Wooden Frame: A typical yurt has a collapsible wooden framework that provides structural support. This lattice-structured framework is crafted to allow flexibility and strength.
  • Wool Felt or Fabric Covering: The outer covering of a yurt can be made from wool felt or fabric. This layer acts as insulation against heat, cold, and rain.
  • Circular Doorway: The entrance to a yurt is traditionally a wooden door set within the lattice framework. This doorway is often low, requiring one to stoop when entering—a ritual seen as showing respect for the home.
  • Central Crown or Tono: At the top of the yurt lies the tono (crown), an essential part of the structure that serves as both ventilation and light source.

Materials Used in Yurt Construction

  • Wood: Traditionally, yurts are built using locally sourced wood for the frame. Bentwood is often used due to its flexibility.
  • Wool Felt: In colder regions like Mongolia, wool felt is preferred for its excellent insulating properties.
  • Fabric: In more modern designs, especially in milder climates, durable fabrics such as canvas are used for their waterproof qualities.

Different Styles and Designs of Yurts

While traditional yurts maintain similar designs across different cultures, modern interpretations have led to a variety of styles:

  1. Bentwood Yurts: These yurts feature a frame made from bentwood, which allows for larger structures. They are common in places like Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
  2. Fabric Yurts: Modern yurts often feature a fabric shell instead of traditional felt. These are popular in North America and Europe due to their lighter weight and portability.
  3. Insulated Yurts: These yurts are designed with added insulation for colder climates, often using an inner layer of reflective material.
  4. Customized Yurts: Some yurt manufacturers offer customizations, including multiple rooms, windows, or different shapes and sizes.

In essence, the yurt’s design is a reflection of the nomadic lifestyle it originated from—simple, adaptable, and in harmony with nature. Yet it has also evolved, catering to various uses, climates, and personal preferences. The next time you step into a yurt—be it traditional or modern—you’ll have a deeper appreciation for its structure and design.

Yurts for Camping, Glamping, and Beyond: Experiencing Nature in Style

Yurts have become increasingly popular among campers and glampers alike, providing a unique way to immerse oneself in nature while still enjoying modern comforts. These circular structures not only have a magical appeal but also offer practicality as an alternative to more typical camping accommodations.

Yurts for camping have gained traction due to their flexibility and allure. They serve as a middle ground between traditional tent camping and upscale cabins or hotels. Many outdoor enthusiasts who desire an experience that stays true to camping roots but with added amenities are turning to yurts.

Here’s why yurt camping has become so popular:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Yurts’ unique circular shape and cozy interiors create a visually pleasing atmosphere that complements the natural environment.
  • Ready-Made Comfort: Unlike tents, yurts often come furnished with beds, furniture, and sometimes heating, minimizing setup time and maximizing relaxation.
  • Weather Resilience: The sturdy construction of yurts makes them well-suited to withstand various weather conditions, from heavy rain to snowfall.

Advantages of Choosing a Yurt Over Traditional Tents or Cabins

While tents cater to purists who enjoy the simplicity of camping equipment, and cabins provide a sense of solidity and permanence, yurts strike a balance that combines the best features of both options. Here are some benefits of selecting a yurt:

  • Spacious Interiors: The circular design eliminates wasted corner space, resulting in more roomy interiors that feel open and airy.
  • Quick Set-Up: Many campgrounds offer pre-set yurts ready for occupancy, reducing the time spent assembling tents or unpacking gear.
  • Close to Nature: With features like skylights and lattice walls, staying in a yurt allows you to observe your natural surroundings while still having a protected shelter.
  • Energy Efficiency: The shape of a yurt promotes better air circulation, which can naturally regulate temperatures inside without excessive energy use.

The glamping community, known for their love of glamorous camping experiences, particularly appreciates the luxury that yurts can provide. Enhanced by stylish decor and additional amenities such as private decks or hot tubs, these structures transform into extravagant hideaways nestled in picturesque locations.

Comfortable Bedding: No more sleeping bags on the hard ground; many glamping yurts feature real beds with plush mattresses. Exclusive Amenities: From en-suite bathrooms to kitchenettes, glamping yurts can include conveniences that make them comparable to boutique hotel rooms.

Whether you’re seeking a serene weekend getaway or an action-packed outdoor adventure, considering yurts for camping or glamping presents an exceptional opportunity to enjoy nature with added comfort and style. As you plan your next excursion into the great outdoors or luxurious escape, remember that the humble yet majestic yurt stands ready as an inviting option amidst nature’s splendor.

Top Yurt Manufacturers to Consider for Your Dream Yurt

When it comes to finding the perfect yurt, it’s essential to consider the manufacturer. Not all yurts are built the same, and the quality can vary significantly between different producers. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at some of the best yurt manufacturers in the market today.

1. Pacific Yurts

Based in Oregon, Pacific Yurts is one of the pioneers in the modern yurt industry. They offer a wide range of sizes and customizable options. Their yurts feature high-quality materials and innovative design elements like energy-efficient insulation and durable flooring. On average, their yurt prices range from $5,000 to $15,000.

2. Colorado Yurt Company

This company is known for its sustainable business practices and attention to detail. Each Colorado Yurt is handcrafted using locally sourced materials whenever possible. Prices start at around $6,000 for smaller models and go up to about $20,000 for larger designs.

3. Rainier Outdoor

Rainier Outdoor prides itself on its commitment to quality and tradition. Their yurts are handcrafted using the finest materials available, which includes sustainably harvested timber and premium fabrics. Pricing starts at around $7,500 for their smallest model.

4. Smiling Woods Yurts

If you’re looking for a yurt with a more rustic charm, Smiling Woods Yurts might be your best bet. They specialize in custom-built wooden yurts that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern conveniences. Prices vary depending on size and customization but expect to pay anywhere from $10,000 upwards.

5. Freedom Yurt Cabins

As the name suggests, Freedom Yurt Cabins offers a unique twist on traditional yurts by incorporating cabin-like features into their designs. Their products are fully insulated and include a lockable front door and real glass windows. Prices start around $16,000.

When choosing a manufacturer, remember that the cost of a yurt is just one factor to consider. You also need to think about the quality of the materials used, the yurt’s design, the level of customization available, and of course, the reputation of the manufacturer itself.

Each manufacturer offers something unique, so it’s worth taking the time to review their offerings and decide which one aligns best with your dream yurt vision. And don’t forget to factor in any additional costs like shipping, installation, or customizations when comparing prices.

Yurts as Sustainable Dwellings: The Eco-Friendly Advantages

Yurts have long captivated the imagination with their unique design and cultural heritage. But beyond their aesthetic appeal, yurts are gaining recognition as eco-friendly housing options. These circular dwellings are not only cozy and inviting, but they also offer a lower ecological footprint compared to traditional homes.

Promoting Eco-Friendly Living

Yurts inherently encourage a sustainable lifestyle through several aspects:

Everything About Yurt
  1. Smaller Living Space: With their compact, efficient design, yurts require less energy to heat and cool. Occupants often adopt a minimalist approach to living, reducing the consumption of resources and unnecessary waste.
  2. Natural Materials: Traditional yurts are constructed using organic materials like wood, wool felt, and canvas. These materials are renewable and have a smaller environmental impact compared to the processed materials used in conventional home construction.
  3. Low-Impact Footprint: The lightweight structure of a yurt means that it can be placed on the landscape without the need for extensive foundations. This minimizes disruption to the natural environment and preserves the ecosystem around the dwelling.

Innovations in Insulation and Energy Efficiency

Builders and manufacturers have introduced innovations that enhance the sustainability of yurts even further:

  1. High-Tech Fabrics: Modern yurts can be covered with advanced fabrics designed for superior insulation. These materials keep heat in during winter and reflect sunlight in summer, maintaining comfortable temperatures year-round.
  2. Radiant Barriers: Reflective barriers can be installed to reduce heat transfer, helping to keep the interior of a yurt warm in cold climates and cool in hot ones.
  3. Solar Power Integration: Some yurt dwellers choose to install solar panels on or near their yurts, harnessing clean energy from the sun to provide electricity without relying on fossil fuels.
  4. Efficient Stoves and Appliances: Wood stoves certified for low emissions can provide heat more sustainably. Similarly, energy-efficient appliances reduce overall power consumption.
Everything About Yurt

By combining ancient design principles with modern technology, yurts stand out as models of sustainable insulation for dwellings. They prove that living in harmony with nature does not have to mean sacrificing comfort or style.

It’s clear that yurts as eco-friendly housing offer a path towards less invasive and more sustainable living. Their adaptability to various environments coupled with recent advancements makes them an increasingly popular choice for those seeking an alternative housing solution.

The transition towards more eco-conscious living continues with innovative approaches not only in how we build our homes but also in how we interact with our environment on a daily basis.

When planning your next escape, consider these exceptional yurt locations for an unforgettable experience. A yurt getaway not only provides comfort and convenience but also a unique opportunity to connect with nature in a whole new way.

As with any major purchase, it’s important to take your time when choosing a yurt. Don’t rush the process. Instead, weigh all the factors and consider all the options before making a final decision. Remember, a yurt is more than just a dwelling – it’s a lifestyle choice that brings simplicity, freedom, and a closer connection to nature. Choose wisely and enjoy your new way of life.

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